Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007

learning something new everyday is wonderful...

...though sometimes not for free. today i learned how much it costs to forget that you parked your car on the wednesday-street-cleaning side of the street on a wednesday. just $50 for a valuable lesson.
tomorrow I am going to take the written test in order to get the california driver's license. i have already read very interesting things in the dmv booklet. Who would have guessed that in california, you must not park your car in an intersection. now that i know, i'll stop doing that, really.
i also have a real american phone now, finally. my number: 001-213 909 4178
call me (unless you don't know me).

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Oh man. I TOTALLY predicted that you would learn such a lesson, remember? I was explaining how during the month that I had to do street parking I wound up forgetting what day it was and not moving my car for street cleaning? (when I recommended you get shrine parking or the like)